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Chiang Mai, Thailand
Sinds 2003 wonen en werken mijn vrouw Marielle en ik, samen met onze twee kinderen Simcha en Ava, in het noorden van Thailand.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

niet in mijn tijd

Ik werd onlangs gekopieerd op een email die aan de Directeur van de school (GIS) was gestuurd.
Het beschreef hoe leerlingen het initiatief hadden genomen om te gaan bidden voor de leraren.
Mooi en onwerkelijk. Ik kon me simpelweg niet indenken dat ik dat ooit gedaan zou hebben in mijn mavo/ havo tijd. Bevestigde weer voor mij dat Grace een bijzondere school is en dat ik dankbaar mag zijn dat onze kinderen hier naartoe kunnen.

Hier is die email:

Dear Teachers,
I just received the following email from a secondary student:

As a student here I have been told more than once by a teacher that they are praying for me, in fact in three of my classes we start out each lesson with a short prayer and for some, we even spend time to talk about prayer requests for the week. This has made a huge, huge, impact on me! As a growing Christian it is very encouraging to know that my teachers care and want the best for me. Lately I feel like these prayers have really kept me going when I'm stressed or busy. This made me think... why can't students pray for the staff? You, as teachers, are people too and some of us (students) want to return the favor. Weekly during Wednesday break, a small group of students will meet to pray for the request written on the prayer request sheet for the day. I understand that prayer requests can be very private and I will personally ensure that these request do not leave the prayer group and that the sheet will be properly disposed of. Every week I hope to put up a new request sheet that will be collected Tuesday (the day before we pray.)

Thank you for your prayer! It has made an impact.
There will be a sheet in the secondary teacher resource room and the elementary office for teachers to write their prayer requests.  Remember, the sheets will be collected on Tuesdays for prayer on Wednesdays.
Isn't this an amazing place to work?

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